The tastings for the selection of the best wines to be awarded by 5 Star Wines took place from 1 to 3 April, in which I had the honour of participating as a judge. More than 2500 samples were...
More...Given that in the second half of the 19th century European viticulture had to face the problem ofphylloxera, today, and in the coming years, it will have to confront a new obstacle: climatechange. A...
More...The primary objective of an oenologist is to be able to give the owner of the winery, and thusalso the consumer (at the end of the production process), the ‘perfect wine’ via enhancing...
More...The wine cellar is the beating heart of the winery. In it, the manual skills of the operators and theknowledge of the oenologist come together. They are supported by technology, an element thatis now...
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